Friday, November 30, 2012

3 Reasons an Online Backup Is the Best Backup Solution

An online backup is a way to back up all of your files and software in the 'cloud'. The cloud simply means storing things online rather than on a separate hard drive, and there are a number of benefits to storing your backups in this way. Here are three of the most important.

1. Never Lose Your Backups

The obvious benefit of using an online backup to store your files, folder, software and more in the cloud is that you never have to worry about losing anything again.

By backing up your system on-site, you never know what could happen. A fire could destroy all of your computers as well as the backup, so it is essential to keep things stored off-site to be completely secure.

With an online backup your files could be stored hundreds or even thousands of miles away, so you know that you can keep everything backed up safely.

2. Access to Files from Anywhere

Another benefit of using an online backup is that you may be able to get access to your files from anywhere and you do not have to be in the office to do so.

Many people now work at least part of the time outside of the office, but the difficulty with this comes in accessing important documents whilst being away from the place in which they are stored.

An online backup may be very useful if you want to access important documents whilst you are at a meeting or out of the country, and if everything is backed up on-site then this may be impossible.

3. Work Where You Want

If you have the option of a remote backup then you may even be able to work from different locations. For example, you may want to travel abroad and spend a few weeks working from another country, and if you are able to backup your files from anywhere with an internet connection then this will provide you with a greater degree of freedom to work form wherever you want to.

Essentially, as long as you can access the internet then with an online backup you can keep your files safe and backed up wherever you are without having to worry about the consequences of losing your computer.


Keep Your Files Safe in the Cloud

If you want to make sure that your files and software are backed up safely, try to find a company which can set you up with a secure online backup. That way you will never have to worry about losing your work ever again.

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Charities Should Give Nothing Away When It Comes To Managed File Transfer

Charities and their supporters are constantly arranging fund-raising events and running projects, involving dealing with several parties. There can be a lot of paperwork which means there is always the risk of data loss. Managed file transfer can be at the centre of organising all these activities enabling charities to deal with internal and external groups, transferring crucial documents via email. You can communicate in real time, without creating extraneous information or posing any problems. Using managed file transfer means that people won't lose important paperwork and it really is as simple as just sending a link in an email which can be used for organising events, putting out tender bids or for any number of uses needed by charities.

Managed file transfer can support charities large and small, whether they are working with small change by collecting in the street, organising team events or working with massive corporate donations. Whatever the scale of the operation, managed file transfer can support the organisation with great ease.

The major source of fund collection these days is on-line whether it be a tip jar in PayPal or the widely used JustGiving website. All this requires counting, logging and tracking. Where the money is being transferred to and from is not important. The ability to see, track and share the information about it is. It's important to understand that whilst tracking and controlling data is not the foremost activity of the charity, it's still vital to an efficient organisation.

Complying with bank data requirements is easier with managed file transfer, whether a client is simply setting up a regular direct debit or making an on-line bank transfer, any documents in question can be sent between parties with great ease using managed file transfer and may even replace the need for a paper solution at all. Once the data is scanned and filed, it can be placed in an accessible place, thereby dispensing with the need for hard copy altogether.

It has to be understood though that there are a number of software solutions that can support this need. Data protection is tantamount whether privacy is expected by a donor or for simple protection of the financial data. Managed file transfer supports the transfer of encrypted data, distributing data security support where it's needed most.

When organising an event or a project where the money is to be distributed out, liaising with companies outside of the group, for example to organisations in another country, is simple. You can simply attach the information to an email with just one click (assuming integration is present) and the software does the rest of the work - uploading, encrypting, tracking and logging the status of access and more. It really is a hands off installation, with many groups overlooking the time saving when examining the budget costs. It can represent a serious saving of man-hours and allows for the logging and support of data thereby meeting auditing and compliance requirements.

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How to Secure Your Enterprise Network From Cyber Threats

Cyber criminals are busy trying to find ways breach the network security that enterprises have set up. The risks of doing business can be reduced with the introduction of intrusion prevention systems and intrusion detection systems to give you additional cyber security.

But sensitive data is not the only thing that a business has to protect with an intrusion prevention system. The ability to prove awareness of global trends and protect confidential information reflects your ability to be successful in any industry. Any process that is dependent on information that moves through your network could come to a screeching halt if your cyber security is compromised.

A Cyber Attack Could Happen at any Time

There are many reasons for an attack could be carried out on your enterprise network. A criminal may be looking for financial gain. It could be that someone is trying to find a way through your firewall protection for some type of revenge. Other people who threaten your network security do it just for the challenge. Still others are finding their way to undermine the cyber security of businesses and organizations and going public with their success as a means of protest. They may be in and out quickly, but if knowledge that your network has been breached gets out, it could damage your business reputation.

No matter what the reason, an unsecured enterprise network that is vulnerable to a cyber-threat can cause chaos for your company. In order to protect your confidential information and keep your processes running smoothly, you have to have up to date network security to be protected from an attack.

Set up a defense across your entire network to keep you infrastructure secure. Include an intrusion detection system that will give an instant alert to any threat. Security solutions must be simple enough to be easily understood so that they can be activated quickly. The faster the threat is dealt with, the less down time your company will have to endure as it protects itself from an attack.

If your company has been able to fend off past cyber-attacks, don't let it put you in a position of believing that your network is safe from intrusion. There is always another criminal out there who is learning new techniques. The data collected and reported on with each threat to your company must be easily understood to follow the evolving trends in cyber-crimes. The flexibility of reporting and allowing tweaks to your network protection will give you protection from future attacks, which could be far different that the one you have just survived.

The important thing to remember is that the threat to your processes and confidential information from a cyber-attack evolves as quickly as technology, so the defenses that you set up must be able to be ready to meet future requirements. As your business grows, so does your need for IT protection. As technology changes, intrusion protection and detection must be able to keep up.

How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   An Explanation of CISPA for Small Businesses   Protect Your Privacy With Reputation Management   Top 5 Reasons to Check Website Security   

What Is Application Security?

Distributed denial of service attacks have been more prevalent than ever over the past year. Groups such as Anonymous have launched a number of large-scale attacks against banks, government branches and other entities, causing websites to shut down and resulting in the exposure of private information.

However, these large-scale DDoS attacks are not typical, and may not even be as damaging as consistent smaller attacks. A recent network security survey found 76 percent of attacks assessed were on a smaller scale, but were just as potent, if not more so, than bandwidth-consuming DDoS attacks. Companies should look into application security, such as code signing digital certificates, to help safeguard against attacks that could shut down their website for an extended period of time.

When an eCommerce website or another kind of website uses hardware, software or some other kind of process to help protect its applications from external threats, they are using a type of application security. Measures can be built into these applications to help reduce hackers' ability to steal, access, delete or modify information. This becomes especially important when companies are sending business-critical information over the internet and want to ensure the utmost security.

With more applications now available, application security is an extremely important way for businesses to protect the information that is vital for survival.

Effective application security strategies will protect websites and businesses from internal threats, such as unauthorized users accessing valuable data or performing actions without proper clearance. These security measures may also prevent disgruntled employees, looking to get back at an employer, from causing havoc to a network.

External threats that businesses need to keep on their radar include hackers who may try to illegally infiltrate a system to pilfer valuable data, such as customers' financial data or employees' personal details, and former workers who have a vendetta against their old company. These individuals may know passcodes that enable them to access the company's network and damage its system.

Application security can be further advanced within a website by defining assets of the enterprise, prioritizing and assessing each potential threat and creating a security profile for each application. This can further help defend against DDoS attacks and events such as the failure of a storage device.

Another common DDoS myth that continues to give businesses a false sense of security is that firewalls are able to stop all attacks. The security report said firewalls often are the weakest part of a business' defenses. Although it's important to have this measure in place,companies need to use code signing digital certificates and other types of application security to ensure the safety of their websites.

How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   An Explanation of CISPA for Small Businesses   Protect Your Privacy With Reputation Management   Top 5 Reasons to Check Website Security   

What To Share And Not To Share Online - And How To Secure Your Information

The Internet is a fun place for everyone. You can play games, shop for products, chat with friends, and do lots of fun stuff. But it's not all a bed of roses. There is also a darker side that you may not be aware of - information theft. There is value in data, and there are people out there who will stop at nothing to steal data and use them against you. Here is a list of data that others may find of value.

1) Credit card information. - If your credit card info gets stolen, the same info can be used to commit fraud. You will see your card details being used to make costly purchases online. If you are unaware of the theft, thousands of dollars may be charged to the card without your knowledge.

2) Personal information. - Such information is usually used by criminals to con others into sending them money. For example, someone may call you up and say that you have won in a lucky draw. Of course, the caller identifies himself by saying that he knows so-and-so, who is a friend of yours. That establishes trust instantly. Then he goes on to say that he knows your entire group of friends. Now you really trust this person! Of course, the caller may have just cited the names he had gotten from a social networking website. But you couldn't have known that. Once trust is established, the caller starts to ask for small amounts of money as administrative fees for the lucky draw. As time goes by, the caller starts asking for more. This goes on until the caller senses that you have grown suspicious. By then, you may have transferred hundreds or thousands of dollars to an unknown bank account. Tough luck. And it all started from having your personal information stolen from a website.

So what you can do to prevent the above from happening?

First, never reveal your credit card information on untrusted sites. Fraudsters have resorted to using phishing methods to try and trick users into believing that they are visiting legitimate sites. Users then enter their credit card info unknowingly. The data is, of course, sent to the fraudsters. Learn to recognize phishing emails and delete them immediately. Do not click on any links and visit the websites. You can always tell when the links look suspicious. They don't point to the original domain.

Next, make sure that you do not share personal information on social networks. For instance, your home address and contact numbers should be kept secret at all times for security purposes. The bigger social networks have got security settings that allow you to hide all your personal info. Make sure the security measures are enough to prevent personal data from being stolen.

Finally, if you are a webmaster, you can sign up for Whois privacy. Whois privacy prevents your personal data from being revealed with a Whois Search.

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Firewall Security Safeguards Personal Computer and Data

Almost everybody today has a personal computer connected to the Internet. The internet is a great way to communicate, gather information, and shop. It has made life easier with applications that help a person transact over the internet. However, while the internet has numerous advantages, there are serious disadvantages that should be taken into account as well. The internet has become a breeding ground for criminals and hackers who victimize people by accessing their profiles and fraudulently use their names for transactions which result to huge amounts of bills and tainted credit records of the victimized people. Thus the need for an efficient and effective internet security that could help protect your identity from these attacks. Using a firewall protects your computer and prepares your computer from potential attackers.

Facts about firewall security

1 - A firewall is basically a piece of software or hardware operating in a networked environment to prevent communication between areas with different degrees of trust. The term firewall is derived from the same concept of firewall used in construction whose purpose is to keep fire from spreading if a fire starts.

2 - Personal firewall is the most common type of firewall and this type is found in Windows XP. This type of firewall was not popular among users because of the invention of the viruses-Blaster worm and the Sasser worm. These worms drove Microsoft to start designing a more comprehensive firewall application that can provide users improved and enhanced protection for both their home and office networks.

3 - The next generation of Microsoft firewall protection is effectively designed to help secure and equip both your personal and business computers with the advanced protection against the capabilities viruses. The next generation of firewall protection allows you investigate any activity going on outside of your system. It will let you know who is accessing your information online and who is doing transactions under your name. Setting firewall

Every personal computer needs a firewall for complete cyber security. Luckily, there is no need to buy it since the operating system of your computer has already included it. Your role is to find out how to properly set up your operating parameters and start configuring your firewall by identifying what to allow and what to ban on your computer.

Although you could easily look for help in setting up your firewall in your computer, it is also important that you ask for assistance of somebody who knows a thing or two about firewalls. Mishandling of firewalls will make them useless and will not protect you from any cyber attack.

How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   An Explanation of CISPA for Small Businesses   Protect Your Privacy With Reputation Management   Top 5 Reasons to Check Website Security   

Changing Your Password To Improve Your Website Security

The safety of websites is an ongoing battle for many website owners especially when there are so many dangerous viruses out there on the internet. Ensuring the security of your website is not an easy task nowadays and a lot of website owner tend to neglect this particular task. Any website can be affected by these dangers and not only the e-commerce websites targeted. Even if your website does not perform any transaction based activities, it may still be in danger. Any website that is online can be hacked and that is why website security is something that all website owners have to pay attention to. There are ways to maintain a good security for your website and one of the first steps is to choose the right password. A well-chosen password will be able to provide you with a good website security. You should also know when you need to change your password in order to keep yourself protected in the long run.

The password for the access to your website should be changed after a certain amount of time. Using the same password for a long period of time will lead to many security risks. Your password might be safe now but it may not be safe anymore after one year. With the technology improving at such a rapid pace, hackers are developing more advanced ways to penetrate your security. With the use of software, they can bypass your security with ease. So, it will be good if you can change your password once in every few months.

If you run a company, you should also change your password when you fire someone who has the access to your website. You never know what an angry or displeased people might do because they might not have a clear head. In order to seek some sort of revenge, they might log in and delete all your stuff. They might even sell information to your competitors for all you know. So, when you dismiss a person who has that kind of access, you must change your password immediately to avoid something bad from happening.

Another way of maintaining a good security level for your website is to keep your password different or separated. You may have several accounts and if you use the same password for all of those accounts, you are putting yourself in a lot of danger. Once a hacker is able to break into one account, they will be able to get into all of your other accounts as well. You see the danger? In order to prevent and decrease this danger, you can use different password for your accounts so that it won't be so easy for the hacker to hack into your accounts.

For a conclusion, changing your password regularly is one of the simplest methods to maintain the security of your website. In addition, you should try to put at least 10 characters that consist of numbers and alphabets. If applicable, you can even add in symbols. If you do this correctly, you will have a good chance of preventing any security breach on your website.

How To Keep Users and Data Safe On The Web   Reality Overtakes Fiction: We Are Already at War, Albeit Electronic, But War All the Same   An Explanation of CISPA for Small Businesses   Protect Your Privacy With Reputation Management   Top 5 Reasons to Check Website Security   

How to Drive Traffic to Your Website or Blog Post

Tips to drive traffic to your website

Creating a website or a blog post can be a fun way to express yourself, and sometimes, creating a website can even earn you some extra money. But what's the point if you have no visitors (i.e. traffic) that link to your site? Below are some valuable tips on how to drive traffic to your website.

First, write what you know. Make sure the content of your website contains information on a subject matter that you know. If you have a hobby or contain knowledge and it's important enough for you to take the time to share it, chances are there are millions of others who share the same interests or need knowledge you can offer. If you put up content that you have no knowledge of, people will know, and eventually you will lose their following.

Second, use keywords in your content or blog posts that will attract visitors. Keywords are short terms or phrases that a user will type in to a search engine to find information on a topic. There are some free programs available, such as Google AdWords that will help you find frequently utilized terms or phrases entered in a search box to find information on the subject matter that you are providing on your website. Consider this: What phrase would you type in to a search engine to find more information on your topic?

Third, make it personal. When creating a website or blog post, followers should be made to feel like they know you, would like to know you, or know that you have extensive and reliable knowledge on information that they seek. Place pictures of yourself doing what you are putting on your website, or pictures and/or videos of step by step instructions on how to complete a project. Also, make sure you have a bio of your background that relates to your website, along with a picture of yourself.

Additionally, try to make your website to the follower interactive by asking for input, or requesting other ideas to post. Make sure to respond to each follower. By creating an interactive environment, you will have a continual stream of new ideas to post on your website, and you will create a group of 'return' visitors.

Lastly, use social media to spread the word about your website or blog post. Do you remember the commercial that promoted the saying; "you tell two friends, and they'll tell two friends, and so on and so on and so on..."? That's the point here. Let your family and friends know that you have a new website on <insert your website content here> through Facebook, Twitter or other social media programs that you use. Spread the word and you will create traffic to your site in no time.

Driving traffic to your website is easy if you keep the above points in mind. Remember: stick to the basics and don't overcomplicate this process for yourself. The reality is, if you write with what you know, use keywords that help navigate an audience to your website, make your website personal, and promote using the most powerful social media tools available to you, the readers will flock to your content and you'll gain new and keep loyal readership.

Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   

Back Link Building Service: What Is a Quality Link?

If you are going to hire a back link building service to help your site to rank better you have to make sure that they are able to provide you with quality links. This of course raises the question of just what is a quality link? You need to know this before you hire somebody to build them to your site.

The most important thing in determining whether a link is a quality one or not is where on the page it is coming from. For a time it was common for people to get hundreds of links to their sites by commenting on blogs. These links no longer have any real value, the same is true to a lesser extent to links that appear in the side bar. The links that have the most value are the ones that appear in the main text of the site.

The next important factor in determining the quality of the link is the number of other links that are on the same page. Basically the more links that are on the page the less value they will have. This is so that sites that are built simply as a page full of links will be reduced in value. Ideally the link to your site would the only one on the page. Realistically this won't be the case and one link for every couple of hundred words of text would still be considered a quality link.

Another important factor in determining whether or not a link is a quality one or not is the topic of the site that it comes from. Links that come from sites that are on topics that are related to yours are far more valuable than links that come from unrelated sites. That is not to say that you should avoid getting links from unrelated sites, it is just that they won't have as much value.

The last factor that goes into determining the quality of a link is the number of links that are going to the site that the link came from. This is determined by page rank for Google, other search engines have different ways of determining this. Basically sites that have a lot of quality links pointing at them are considered to be quality links so the links from them are the most valuable ones.

The best link that you could possibly get would be as the only link in the text from a site on a relevant topic that has a page rank of ten. These links are not easy to get and it would only take a couple of them to get your site to the top of the search results. In reality most of your links will be much lower quality but you do still want to get the best ones that you can.

Google Algorithm and the Missing Links   Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links   Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links!   Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips   Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?   

Car GPS - What Most Folks Overlook About the Tracker System

The concept of the popular keyless entry that is being used to ensure the security of a vehicle from unlawful access has been a proven technology that many have already adopted. However, far more than that is the latest car GPS that has higher functionality, but most people overlook this simple, but powerful device.

Who Needs a Car GPS?

GPS tracking device is being used by many people to monitor a particular target for safety and security purposes.

- Parents can monitor their children's location. - Car owners can keep a real-time track of the location of their vehicles. - Employers can track their company's vehicles. - Car rental companies can keep a track of rented vehicles. - People who will like to locate or navigate a place without using maps need GPS systems.

Primarily, those who need the GPS tracker are people who want to track the driving history of their vehicles or who will like to locate them real-time if such vehicles are stolen. Have you just bought a car? Are you planning to buy a car soon? You should understand the importance of a car GPS navigation system.

Furthermore, the basics and the use of a GPS system are quite known to untold number of people. You deprive yourself of the benefits of this device if you don't install it on your vehicle. However, if you will be able to do that, you should free yourself from the misconception that it is only relevant to those who travel far and wide. It is not true that you can't use it within the town.

Types of a Car GPS

The types depend on the location logs. If you want to have a real-time log from the GPS, you will need Real-time Tracker (Active GPS Tracker). If you only want to have an access to history, GPS Historical Logger (Passive Logger) is for you.

The Importance of a Car GPS

- A car GPS can be used to keep a track of your vehicle; it can also be used for the navigation of a particular location that is not previously known.

- If a particular place is unfamiliar to you, you can use the GPS system to locate or navigate it. You just enter the address, and the system will display the location for you. You don't have to worry about going online to use maps like Google maps.

- The GPS has computer-generated voice that can perfectly guide you from place to place as you drive. You don't have to be familiar with the location. Even, if you turn in the wrong direction, it will alert you instantly.

- The measure of security that a car GPS system offers is worth it.

A car GPS system is worth buying as soon as you buy a new car or vehicle. It is a great investment; you only have to keep up with the associated annual subscription to enjoy its benefits.

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   

Great Things About GPS Vehicle Tracking Devices In Fleet Monitoring

In order to continuously keep track of the exact position of each vehicle along their transport route, it's critical to have a GPS tracking system. Implementing GPS technological innovation can improve traffic conditions as well as linking backend system and thereby, revolutionizing the fleet driving industry. One can see their progress on a map in a display, and ensures constant communication with the fleet throughout the entire journey

With a GPS vehicle tracking system, vehicle arrival times are predicted more accurately, unauthorised usage could very well be reduced and/or eliminated, and notification sent when a driver speeds or departs from the designated route. Even more rewards are increased safety and reliability guidance for drivers losing direction or for vehicle breakdowns. With leaps in mobile technology to deliver high-speed access, sharing and storage of ever larger quantities of vital information can today utilize cloud based computing and virtualisation that integrates and operates with other platforms.

Without waiting for historical details when it enters a non-reception area, the info is buffered until it can transmit as soon as signal is once more out there. Known originally as the Navstar Global Positioning System, the GPS (Global Positioning System) was first conceived at the Pentagon in 1973 in response to the demand for an error-proof satellite system. Further characteristics such as wireless communication, automatic downloads and two-way text messaging are right now out there for smart phones, PDAs and laptops.

Fleet enterprises who operate multiple delivery automobiles in the same transport consignment can deploy an superior kind of trailer tracking app. As more gadgets capable of numerous and versatile connectivity intersect with the next generation of implemented telematics, it is predicted that a corresponding explosion in on the internet and smartphone interoperability should be shortly expected to be very actively in operation. Improved connectivity performance between fleet control rooms and cab mobile, reduced driver distraction, and faster and easier upgradeable platforms are seen to become the cornerstones of dependable support to making sure continuity of new services.

In 1978 the first operating GPS satellite was launched and by the mid-1990s the system was completely operational with 24 orbiting satellites constantly transmitting radio signals. Fuel levels and other vehicle speeds are in addition monitored by alerts signalling a vehicle stopping. Within minutes, email reports and a record of vehicle maintenance are provided to the business owner which can have complete control over his cars in spite of a huge number of miles away from him.

Such information ensures safe, obtain and faster on- time delivery services as well as decreasing common concerns associated with delivering goods. The position, route, stops, and velocity of vehicle are among a few of the info provided to the business owner.

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units

Learning the ropes - GPS / GPRS vehicle tracking systems

1. GPS: Global Positioning System - (Source: Wikipedia) The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.

2. GPS Receiver : This is also known as GPS unit, is a gadget which allows you to acurately pinpoint your position, its job is to locate 4 or more satellites. Using the mathematical principle - trilateration - it can find out its own location anywhere on the earth.

3. GPRS - General Packet Radio Service: This is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM). You know this as Internet Data Connection on your mobile, and use it for browsing internet, checking emails, downloading softwares / songs on your mobile device.

Devices supporting GPRS are divided into three classes:

3.1 GPRS Class A device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), using both at the same time.

3.2 GPRS Class B device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), but using only one or the other at a given time. During GSM service (voice call or SMS), GPRS service is suspended, and then resumed automatically after the GSM service (voice call or SMS) has concluded. Most GPRS mobile devices are Class B.

3.3 GPRS Class C device: Are connected to either GPRS service or GSM service (voice, SMS). Must be switched manually between one or the other service.

How does GPRS device make connection

A GPRS connection is established by reference to its access point name (APN). The APN defines the services such as wireless application protocol (WAP) access, short message service (SMS), multimedia messaging service (MMS), and for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access.

In order to set up a GPRS connection for a wireless modem, a user must specify an APN, optionally a user name and password, and very rarely an IP address, all provided by the network operator.

GPS + GPRS = Unit deployed in your vehicle for real time tracking

A GPS receiver and the GPRS hardware sit side by side in the same box ( normally referred as: GPS tracking Unit ), powered by same battery source. At regular intervals or predefined events, the unit sends the GPS data using the GPRS connectivity to the central server ( referred as: GPS tracking Server )

The basics are clear, in nutshell - A unit that has both GPS receiver and GPRS hardware module interfacing together forms the GPS tracking unit. Once this unit is installed inside your vehicle, the self locations reported by the unit indicates the location of the vehicle. All the data that is send to the tracking server is then presented to the user on the maps / reports.

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units

Learning the ropes - GPS / GPRS vehicle tracking systems

1. GPS: Global Positioning System - (Source: Wikipedia) The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.

2. GPS Receiver : This is also known as GPS unit, is a gadget which allows you to acurately pinpoint your position, its job is to locate 4 or more satellites. Using the mathematical principle - trilateration - it can find out its own location anywhere on the earth.

3. GPRS - General Packet Radio Service: This is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM). You know this as Internet Data Connection on your mobile, and use it for browsing internet, checking emails, downloading softwares / songs on your mobile device.

Devices supporting GPRS are divided into three classes:

3.1 GPRS Class A device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), using both at the same time.

3.2 GPRS Class B device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), but using only one or the other at a given time. During GSM service (voice call or SMS), GPRS service is suspended, and then resumed automatically after the GSM service (voice call or SMS) has concluded. Most GPRS mobile devices are Class B.

3.3 GPRS Class C device: Are connected to either GPRS service or GSM service (voice, SMS). Must be switched manually between one or the other service.

How does GPRS device make connection

A GPRS connection is established by reference to its access point name (APN). The APN defines the services such as wireless application protocol (WAP) access, short message service (SMS), multimedia messaging service (MMS), and for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access.

In order to set up a GPRS connection for a wireless modem, a user must specify an APN, optionally a user name and password, and very rarely an IP address, all provided by the network operator.

GPS + GPRS = Unit deployed in your vehicle for real time tracking

A GPS receiver and the GPRS hardware sit side by side in the same box ( normally referred as: GPS tracking Unit ), powered by same battery source. At regular intervals or predefined events, the unit sends the GPS data using the GPRS connectivity to the central server ( referred as: GPS tracking Server )

The basics are clear, in nutshell - A unit that has both GPS receiver and GPRS hardware module interfacing together forms the GPS tracking unit. Once this unit is installed inside your vehicle, the self locations reported by the unit indicates the location of the vehicle. All the data that is send to the tracking server is then presented to the user on the maps / reports.

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units

Learning the ropes - GPS / GPRS vehicle tracking systems

1. GPS: Global Positioning System - (Source: Wikipedia) The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.

2. GPS Receiver : This is also known as GPS unit, is a gadget which allows you to acurately pinpoint your position, its job is to locate 4 or more satellites. Using the mathematical principle - trilateration - it can find out its own location anywhere on the earth.

3. GPRS - General Packet Radio Service: This is a packet oriented mobile data service on the 2G and 3G cellular communication system's global system for mobile communications (GSM). You know this as Internet Data Connection on your mobile, and use it for browsing internet, checking emails, downloading softwares / songs on your mobile device.

Devices supporting GPRS are divided into three classes:

3.1 GPRS Class A device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), using both at the same time.

3.2 GPRS Class B device: Can be connected to GPRS service and GSM service (voice, SMS), but using only one or the other at a given time. During GSM service (voice call or SMS), GPRS service is suspended, and then resumed automatically after the GSM service (voice call or SMS) has concluded. Most GPRS mobile devices are Class B.

3.3 GPRS Class C device: Are connected to either GPRS service or GSM service (voice, SMS). Must be switched manually between one or the other service.

How does GPRS device make connection

A GPRS connection is established by reference to its access point name (APN). The APN defines the services such as wireless application protocol (WAP) access, short message service (SMS), multimedia messaging service (MMS), and for Internet communication services such as email and World Wide Web access.

In order to set up a GPRS connection for a wireless modem, a user must specify an APN, optionally a user name and password, and very rarely an IP address, all provided by the network operator.

GPS + GPRS = Unit deployed in your vehicle for real time tracking

A GPS receiver and the GPRS hardware sit side by side in the same box ( normally referred as: GPS tracking Unit ), powered by same battery source. At regular intervals or predefined events, the unit sends the GPS data using the GPRS connectivity to the central server ( referred as: GPS tracking Server )

The basics are clear, in nutshell - A unit that has both GPS receiver and GPRS hardware module interfacing together forms the GPS tracking unit. Once this unit is installed inside your vehicle, the self locations reported by the unit indicates the location of the vehicle. All the data that is send to the tracking server is then presented to the user on the maps / reports.

Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   Understanding Basics of GPS Tracking Units   

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