If you are going to hire a back link building service to help your site to rank better you have to make sure that they are able to provide you with quality links. This of course raises the question of just what is a quality link? You need to know this before you hire somebody to build them to your site.
The most important thing in determining whether a link is a quality one or not is where on the page it is coming from. For a time it was common for people to get hundreds of links to their sites by commenting on blogs. These links no longer have any real value, the same is true to a lesser extent to links that appear in the side bar. The links that have the most value are the ones that appear in the main text of the site.
The next important factor in determining the quality of the link is the number of other links that are on the same page. Basically the more links that are on the page the less value they will have. This is so that sites that are built simply as a page full of links will be reduced in value. Ideally the link to your site would the only one on the page. Realistically this won't be the case and one link for every couple of hundred words of text would still be considered a quality link.
Another important factor in determining whether or not a link is a quality one or not is the topic of the site that it comes from. Links that come from sites that are on topics that are related to yours are far more valuable than links that come from unrelated sites. That is not to say that you should avoid getting links from unrelated sites, it is just that they won't have as much value.
The last factor that goes into determining the quality of a link is the number of links that are going to the site that the link came from. This is determined by page rank for Google, other search engines have different ways of determining this. Basically sites that have a lot of quality links pointing at them are considered to be quality links so the links from them are the most valuable ones.
The best link that you could possibly get would be as the only link in the text from a site on a relevant topic that has a page rank of ten. These links are not easy to get and it would only take a couple of them to get your site to the top of the search results. In reality most of your links will be much lower quality but you do still want to get the best ones that you can.
Google Algorithm and the Missing Links Backlink Building: How to Use Q and A Sites to Build Better Links Avoid NoFollow and Keep Your Links! Backlink Strategy: Successful Offline Backlinking Tips Backlink Tool: What Is Anchor Text and Why Is It Important for Link Building?
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